As always, I ask myself every am, “What do I need to know right now?” The answer today is: Slow and Steady.
“Slow and steady wins the race.”~CBReid.
I love this card! Part fairy, part snail…that’s how I feel lately and my intuition and guides have been whispering since Fall 2013…slow down…
Of course, it’s too slow for my taste but the truth is…what are we rushing for? To be the first to get a book deal? Get on Oprah? Have a baby before it’s too late? Everything that is meant for us will be there EVEN if we take a nap! I’m not talking about getting your Rumpelstilskin on! Just taking care of ourselves
We are bombarded with messages to be faster, fitter and MORE very day. I agree and I am always pushing at the comfort zones within my self but I also know that as I reach my milestones and live my life…I want to BE present! I want to be healthy, open and ALIVE! That won’t happen if I push myself to stressful heights and physical lows.
The truth is that when we are aligned we will arrive at what Spirit decides is best for us! Allowing ourselves to RECEIVE and SAVOR is also a very important part of our journey!
YUM! Savoring my green juice and feeling good in my leisurely pace sending love, V
~vcc 1/7/13