Being YOURSELF=HEALTHY…I remember my Mami out of true concern telling me to pick ONE thing or for Heaven’s sake TWO things I loved…
Child of 8: I had to draw what I wanted to be when I grew up and i took to the creating with zest & zeal! I brought in about 15 pictures! Astronaut, teacher, writer, singer, circus performer, adventurer, dancer, actor, artist, mom, doctor, lawyer…the list went on.
Freshman year of college: broadcasting major/french minor, serious relationship, Debate scholarship & debate team champion, directed a one-act play and acted ( had to advocate my way into a upper-level college course!), President of Forensics Union, Staff writer on college newspaper…Mami is like “Por favor! Pick one or TWO things!”
And yes..I had crystals, incense, rituals, candles and meditated. I had cut out the letters and placed on my wall ” AWAKEN & CREATE!” I read about hypnosis and started experiments that took my math grade from a C to an A-!!!
My life: Always at least two jobs. A corporate gig by day and an event related gig by night, which turned into a Karaoke hostess, paid trade magazine writer, voice over artist. I’ve been paid to direct, act, sing, write, read and offered a gig dancing…by age of 30.
Today: THANK GOD I did all those things! Taught me to balance my services, speak, teach, write, present and guide/connect with others! It’s so easy for me to manage events, while writing and doing hypnosis/readings and fact, the variety is the EASY part!
The ONE or TWO things my mom always begged me to chose? I chose CREATIVITY & SOUL! So I’ve been studying astrology, meditation and all the metaphysical arts since I was a teen and I always had a creative outlet: drawing/painting, singing, dancing, acting, directing.
SO whatever is YOU, truly YOU…is GOOD for YOU! SOme people are passionate about history and that is their raison d’être! ROCK your history peeps!
Whatever TURNS YOU ON , connects you and keeps you going!
Several clients today have been scattered, addictive and unfocused in their lives…WHY? Because they “tried” to do what they were told and in doing so shut off their PASSION, their TRUTH and their INNER KNOWING!
One has secret lives…the lover/actor archetype within needs expression…he started acting class and the “other lives and other people” are taking a backseat to his PASSION & CREATIVITY!
Another female client has smiled and yes’ed everyone her whole life and secretly gotten needs met…food/sex/shopping/cleaning…and now as she is aligning with her TRUE soul’s passion and her intuitive guidance- she is becoming more whole and HONORING her TRUE SELF!
We are HEALTHIER & HAPPIER when we OWN who we are EVEN if others don’t fully understand! SO if you are feeling different or strange or even common and unremarkable…
ROCK YOUR WEIRD, ROCK how YOU EXPRESS you! HOwever that is!
much love, V