Deeply moved. Deeply shaken. Soul stirred. Another level in my shamanic training. Another initiation into the path of Heart and true devotion. The path of deep stillness, truth and courage is the priestess path AND the path of the shaman and medicine woman.
Healers need healing. Teachers need teaching. Guides need guiding. A powerful evening for transformational work. Grateful for my priestess sisters, for divining women and powerful shamanic work. Blessed to work with my courageous shaman brothers! Thank YOU, I know you chose to remains hidden and I honor your choice.
Just when I think I have seen or experienced it (almost) all in my long road on this path…I am awakened anew in a more profound way. The work is bigger than I could have ever imagined. The CALL is resonating throughout the world. I always say myself as one who serves, devotedly and loyally to the cause of bringing our LIGHT forth. Light work has never been easy and now it’s traps become more fine tuned as duplicity is easy to offer through the guise of “personal growth” “abundance creation,” etc. Listen for the truth in every friendship, every relationship and every interaction.
Spirit does bring ABUNDANCE. Spirit workers/healers can help clear away blocks to love/health or abundance…but remember that Spirit doesn’t sell itself in a forcible manner. It does not say it is the only way. In a room full of competing egos, the indwelling Spirit may be quiet and still. Spirit may be laughing wildly on the dance floor, no agenda no game but BEING.
Pleased to break bread with small or large, rich or poor. Spirit can share inspiration but does not exist soley to advance it’s own agenda. The ways of the Spirit on this earth walk are deep, varied and wide. Beware my friends and do not hand your power to a guru, guide, lover, teacher, clique, system, opinion, instagram message or trend.
My shamanic journey showed me that what goes up, goes down and it all turns around. Everything is momentary so being present is key.
May you walk in peace on this beautiful path…
loving you,