Your altar is a physical manifestation of your spirituality and a working center that calls forth your goals, dreams and intentions. To the unknowing eye it may look like nothing more than a coffee table, bookshelf or computer desk with crystals, candles and some pictures…those objects are representing aspects of your self. The altar is a working channel connecting conscious and subconscious realities.
As the place where you hold rituals, meditate, cleanse, keep and/or store ritual items, or simply stop during your hectic week to gather yourself, the altar should be created with thought and intention. It is a center of power, strength and regeneration so use your creativity! If living arrangements make it impossible to keep the altar out at all times…make it portable! Smaller items are best for this and an attractive box or drawer for holding the items can be used as storage. Above all keep the altar clean and change it as it seems fit, as you are an ever-changing being so should your altar represent your growth, changes and achievements.
Before creating your altar, take a moment and ask,” What is the purpose of my altar?” It may be as simple as creating a center for worship, or to heal a particular ailment, to honor ancestors or to call on aspects of yourself that you may be needing during a particular transition in your life, ie. Fire for courage, leadership, passion & vitality as you embark on a new job search for the work you love. In other words, it should be personal and have clarity. Purpose and clarity help set your intention in the visible and invisible worlds.
copyright 2007 VCC