As I landed in the Miami airport this am, a woman sat quietly looking at me and then approached. She said,” You’re a vision seer?”
I was thinking,” is my business card hanging out?” Smiling, I said,” Aren’t we all?”
She said,” You know what I mean. You are clear. Be true, Be strong.”
I thanked her and then she said,” “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits” (Matt. 7:15)
Wepa! Getting slapped with the book that early is just too funny! Yet there was truth there for me Thanks beautiful soul.
If all are reflections of ourselves, even the deceptions and lack of truths shine back Light on us.
Every time I’ve been in the face of greed, ambition and fierce ego machinery…remember I worked in Film/TV/entertainment/corporate/strategic PR and yes, even our personal development world.
I hold to the fact, the very truth of why I feel I came here. I am lucky I think. I never went to sleep.
Not an easy task as we are pressured to give away our power OVER and OVER again.
I gave my power away to not listening to myself in fear that I thought I was self-aggrandizing and blowing myself up. SO many times I acquiesced to others, not due to weakness but FEAR of being all ego or materialistic or coming from lack.
My taking shit from others wasn’t from weakness…the truth it was because I knew where I came from and who I was, A Divine spark of LIght that I could temporarily be harmonious and peace-loving or meek…
but in truth as others competed, cheated and lied for power…I was still.
When you “see” and are willing to acknowledge more than others will…(that’s just what intuitives and healers sign up for) there can be a time where you doubt your own CERTAINTY.
How can one see and know details so hidden to the eyes and hearts of others? Is it Soul truth or ego?
Perhaps, It would take me longer…but the Path of the priestess through service and direct revelation would carry me through…
She carries me now.
Winds of change have been here since the dawn of time.
We are constantly shifting. We can choose to expand into more joy or we can close downing fear.
Fear is not real.
Rejection is not real.
The most real relationship is the one with the Divine…
All else stems and flows from that ever plentiful fountain…
So my beautiful soul friends…do not give your power away even in strength. No need to battle with egos but remember and step up to what you came HERE to do.
No ONE person, can make you or break you. Not one opportunity. Not one book deal or lover. Not one promotion or lay off. Not one deception or betrayal. Hard to remember when we are in the throes of loss and pain.
It may feel like that your life is over. It may tear you up and in the end it’s opening you up. The truth is that it is OVER the way you were living is perhaps over and a NEW life is bursting through.
Remember you are here to SHINE! Not on social media alone. Every day. SHINE. YOU are enough. YOU are so much beauty, laughter & light!
Cannot wait to dive deep with all of you this year! Listen to yourselves & your connection to the Divine, which I call your INTUITION. When you take the time to really discover & understand it…it’s the foundation of a happy and healthy beautiful life
The Daily Oracle