Often we hand over control to the brain, the mind, the logical side of ourselves. We trust it.
Of course we do! It’s quick reactions and resourcefulness have gotten us out of a few situations…
It’s also created quite a few dilemmas and fears as well.
So wherever you are in your life, especially if you are the intelligent intuitive humans we know you are…
allow your faith and trust to guide you into your body.
It’s all about the mind, body & soul connection!
In order to have an EMBODIED soul, we have to have a body, no?
So come back to it.
No matter how brilliant your mind is, your body is it’s house and they need each other, along with the soul to create a HOME.
Ahhh yes! And remember that as you say, “Home is where the heart is,” so as you take care of connecting and feeling your body, you are also watching out for your health and your emotions. When we are all mind, the heart and body suffer and those are pretty unwanted side effects!
We know that you get REALLY busy making s&%t happen and that is why you NEED to allow your mind, body AND soul to align.
A quick and easy way? Breathing deeply and allowing your thoughts to flow in and out. Holding on to nothing. Allowing yourself to be present…oh yes, meditation!
Its not about a coup over the mind, it’s about a sweet invitation and a loving promise that you are ok. Your mind thinks it needs to keep control and your body and soul know better.
Yes, we do… “So baby, come back” <3
~Vcc 11/22/13