We’ve been pouring through every Earth school manual in the Universe…never does it say anywhere that you have to do it ALL yourself!
Why human beings have taken this belief to heart, is beyond the spirit world, truly.
We are all connected. We are ONE even that person that annoys the crap out of you, is made of stardust just like you!
So how about you really open your heart chakra and ASK for help? From getting the sales page done to getting past some traumatic event. Yes, the powers that be, that by the way include YOU & me. US. We “GOT THIS!”
When you open your heart and mind to receiving the love and support through another human being…everything changes.
We can definitely send you the peeps that will help you with healing, writing your website and just having a better time of it on Earth School in general! Yes, we will send you some brothers & sisters to play with!
Ego (who can be a kickass ally on earth) gets in the way when it thinks that, ” I can’t trust anyone. I need to do everything myself. No one can help. No one understands.”
It’s a limited paradigm that has outworn it’s welcome and use. Let it go. Please make our job a little easier 🙂 There’s nothing cooler than setting up kindred spirits to meet and support each other. After all, you did come to Earth School to get some major $%^& done and most missions…always have supporters from the invisible and visible realms!
The Universe works through human beings too. Which reminds us, don’t you have someone to offer a hand to today?
always love,