HOW can I NOT post even though I am in bed? This MOON must be expressed and must have it’s moment in the light!
The Full moon is a time of ripe potential and potent energy. In the sign of LEO, we think the Lion, big hearts, royalty and child-like wonder.
It’s a perfect time to share how you feel with loved one, to friends and family. Leo will make it more magical, gallant and somehow sprinkle some pizazz on heartfelt expressions.Valentine’s day can be so hyped up that it can leave us all dreaming of what we wish we had.
Let’s look within with this Full Moon and ask our inner child, “what do YOU want to be happy? How do YOU feel LOVED?” Allow the answers to rise up as they may. Allow tears, laughter, desires.
Is there something you loved to do as a child that you just don’t have time for? Is there something that you need to EXPRESS, CREATE or SHARE? It’s time to SHINE! Whether it’s at an area you’ve ignored within ( need for creativity or more touch) or something that you need to go do ( acting classes anyone?) It’s time to EXPRESS!
And with that I bid thee adieu…
Flipping my Goddess cloak over my shoulder I retire to my chambers…
Ahhh Full Moon in Leo gotta love it!