LIFE LESSONS: If people don’t respect themselves they won’t respect you. If people don’t love themselves they won’t love you. Period.
They might need you. They might grasp at you. They might place you on a pedestal ( come down quickly of your own will, lest they shove you off!) or place expectations on you that are not yours to fulfill.
These last 45 days have been cracking me open even more. Yet life brings you lessons in so many ways, deepening my awareness and allowing me to expand in forgiveness.
Great joy from creativity, Soul expression and Soul calling. When you listen to the whispers that have invited you into yourself since childhood, giving them the mic…you can’t go wrong! Deep joy and gratitude. Blooming into extra-ordinary experiences and expressions.
Aligned with this greater awareness, a few friends have fallen off and a romantic possibility has shown it’s true colors.
Being compassionate with ourselves isn’t weakness, it’s a path to true strength and a solid spiritual foundation for you life.
Understanding even more how loving ourselves impacts our lives, I am re-committing to deeply, lovingly and compassionately loving myself.
As Spring approaches, how can you re-commit your Soul? To really listening to the whispers that will guide you to your deepest joy and expansion?
“I know as I love and value myself, I love and value everyone and everything.”
Take a deep breath: where have you been excusing the behavior of others? Where have you been putting yourself last? Where have you been calling it “being non-judgmental or being spiritual” and accepting the unacceptable?
loving me and loving you <3 V