Ahhh the Full Moon lights up the sky in a reddish hue and dressed in the sign of Libra. The full moon represents the surge of power within and without. It is known as the time of greatest power and is symbolized by the hide tide in the Soul’s ocean. There is much flowing now. Expect some tears, sorrow, misunderstandings and with luck, a side of joy as well.
This is the first blood moon eclipse of what is thought to be a very prophetic tetrad of blood moons. It begins the same day as Passover. The Sun begins to move in to Taurus at the end of the week, Mercury and Uranus gather, as do Venus and Neptune. Eclipses are thought to precede big events.
This Full Moon in Libra comes enters bringing the themes of RELATIONSHIPS and balance. The emotions are highlighted at this time. Relationship is not just about people or others.
It may be bringing up and shedding light on our relationship with food, sex, purpose, intuition and our bodies. The Sun in Aries is all passion, pioneer, action and aggression. We are in for some intense times. The moon and sun as well as the cardinal cross that awaits, creates TENSION and the energy will express itself one way or another.
Remember that these astrological dances are not the CAUSE of the issues, they are the stage that is set perfectly so the characters may express and show themselves. Pay attention to what is shown, seen and experienced. Take note.
It’s really time to see things as they are. If you’ve been hiding in the guise of victim you will be slapped with you your own beliefs. Remember that you have created the circumstances you are experiencing.
It is a time for us to own how we view things. You might believe that someone else is attacking you and perhaps it’s your shadow holding up a mirror. Beware of emotional eruptions that came from assumptions, lack of awareness and stubborn perspectives.
If you choose to express your truth at this time be prepared for interesting reactions, as all parties will most likely not agree.
While there may be fireworks and waterworks going on, there will also be a chance for deeper connection as we clear away misunderstandings and old emotional habits that no longer serve us.
- Dig deep. What is your part in the emotional turmoil that is rising?
- Have you squelched your anger and now it’s being expressed in a way that harms you? Looking at self-sabotage here.
- What do you want balance with? More movement, less thinking. More loving less doing? Look within and ask your heart where your relationship with your inner child, inner critic and inner lover need forgiving, nurturing and expression.
- It’s a great opportunity to grow! <3 let’s take it on!
- The lunar eclipse on April 15th is the first of four consecutive total lunar eclipses, also known as a tetrad. The next three eclipses will occur on October 8, 2014, April 4, 2015 and September 28, 2015.