STEPPING INTO OUR GREATNESS: The closer we get to stepping into our flow, our greatness and our deepest calling…the more the shadow and inner saboteur steps up to challenge us.
It’s our inner critic, the voice of our teachers, parents and romantic partners. It’s our hidden fears parading about our hearts and minds. It’s our worst nightmare in many ways AND our greatest teacher.
This critic, this voice that seeks to cut us down to our most valueless feeling self is really showing us where we need love, healing and transformation. The truth is that we are perfectly made for our life’s mission.
There is nothing “to fix.” There is everything to release. Releasing beliefs and paradigms of lack, failure and success. So often we are crippled by what we “think” success will do to us or what it means to be a genius, an expert or a master.
Often the master is at the heart, not a master of a particular subject..but a master of being PRESENT, being mindfully, whole heartedly devoted to the task at hand and SHOWING UP. The secret no one wants to believe is that SHOWING UP and BEING PRESENT is most of the work. When done with ease, it is effortless. Our true genius and gift is often invisible to us. We overlook what comes through us with ease as we are addicted to believing that what is worthy must be hard won.
If there is ANY chance of getting to our greatness its about showing up, surrendering and allowing.