At 19, my life turned in a way that has marked my Soul deeply ever since.
At 19, I wrote God/Universe a letter and asked to be a channel for inspiration and healing. I found out when you raise your hand in God’s classroom, you are IN!
My guides showed up in full force and books, information and tapes seem to make their way to me. I started to be trained in my dreams. My abilities cracked open miraculously. I became a professional psychic and tarot reader at 22, an initiated priestess at 23.
I’ve seen so much in the last two decades.
I’ve witnessed sweatlodge cleansings and full moon chanting. My dear friend and I have guided circles for 14 years. Gatherings of women first then of men and women. Learning our whispers into the numinous mysteries and exhaling into rebirth. Over and over again. Miracles. Miracles. Miracles.
I forget the names, I remember the stories, the women, the voices and the seasons. I have witnessed great courage in ceremony thru decades. True sisterhood. Deep healing. Most of all, I’ve witnessed my heart expand and expand. My talent and capacity deepen. I bow to my clients, students and teachers for the vulnerability and courage you have shown and continue to show as we dance this dance together!
I’ve seen real, wise and solid teachers hold themselves back from visibility and abundance due to limiting beliefs about money, “the haves and have nots” and about the definition of what being spiritual means. The old ways of martyrdom and poverty seem to be holding tight into present day reality.
Rejecting opportunities, avoiding technology and clutching safely to anonymity as they hurt over recent arrivals who claim they have “created” sisterhood, feminine leadership, priestesshood, ritual and red tents. Yet, the escond themselves in sadness and lack of right action. Rise sweet teachers and call on your inner cosmic Soul to allow you to adapt and bring forth the wisdom you carry!
I’ve seen mediocre charismatics gain influence due to financial support and the general ignorance of the populace. I’ve seen people who studied one weekend, one workshop or two trainings put up money-infused sites that promised to share the ancient truths…they just discovered or initiated into last month. “yaaaa…like that is so deep,” and they merely skate on the surface of true healing or intuitive wisdom. I smile and learn the lessons they brought and bring. We can learn from everyone, even the hubris-dipped.
This does not mean they cannot channel truths or hold space. Years of study can still not grow true Soul seeds if the land of the heart is fallow. A weekend or two may be what you need to crack you open to your Soul’s calling.
The truth though, that to be able to channel, hold space often requires time, training and solitude for it to actually integrate. If not, there may be energetic gaps in ability and actual capacity. Traditional priestess training was a year and a day. Sometimes there was a vow of silence. Not punishment or limitation, rather time for integration.
Karma spins in interesting ways. When in the flush of the rising winds we believe our eternal power, not of Soul but of the Ego, we are bound to fall. I’ve seen many rise and shine brightly in the last two decades and through the time I’ve been on Earth School. I’ve seen many entangle themselves and grow blind. Hubris carrying them not their Soul.
Staging images of deep wisdom and power. Publishing words of gathered wisdom and promoting an existence that do not live and breath, so they cannot guide you in.
And so many fall, so many rush to pay hefty sums and believe they are aligning themselves with power. So many trample over their true teachers to put up their shiny shingles that will fall in the next storm.
Why are you rushing to step into ill-fitting shoes? Just because they are trendy does not mean they are right for YOU. You are not ready for your own unique pair and you court dissolution and disappointment. Chanting spells will not gain you entry where you do not belong yet and the painful fall of a smoke and mirrors reality will hurt you and others deeply. Ahh this learning!
In all the time, I have always known. Chop wood, carry water. There is no skipping in Earth School. One way or another, you will attend the classes and get your Soul lessons.
So don’t rush. Don’t shortcut. Don’t take on another’s essence, thru images, pictures or words. We all inspire each other and we should all explore our own UNIQUE offering in the world and for the world. Yes, you may sell alot on your program or sessions…for awhile. But soon enough you will be left scrambling about what to offer next, how else can you TOP that?
When you are truly in harmony with your Soul, there is not need to fret about your abundance, your programs or your calling. So don’t rush that the EArth School courses on FAITH, DISCIPLINE, LOVE, TRUTH, COMPASSION & SERVICE…for these are the values you will build your true calling on.
“A Woman (man) in harmony with her spirit
is like a river flowing.
She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination
prepared to be herself
and only herself ”― Maya Angelou
© Vanessa Codorniu 5/10/14