woke up to a message from one of my students in the Intuitive Leverage 8 week intuition bootcamp. She is a talented healer who had blocked off her psychic abilities awhile back. She unearthed a memory where her teacher many, many years ago shamed her in front of a class and told her that trying to IN-TO-IT about her safety ( she had been attacked) was like raping another person. WOW…NOT!
Our intuition is our birthright and our connection to the Divine. Our inner senses guide us towards the good, the light and spiritual growth. We can align our lives to make the BEST choices and decisions based on our internal guidance system.
Part of mission is for every man, woman and child to reconnect, understand and own their intuitive gifts. It requires courage, patience, dedication and a child-like wonder. It will guide you waaay beyond your comfort zones and it will keep expanding! I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Keep taking your power back, you badass intuitives who exist in every profession, level of society and culture! We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!!! ( the Hopi Elders speak)
STEPPING into, OWNING your intuitive abilities means greater healing ( mind/body/spirit) greater peace AND a deep knowing that whatever may happen…you will be well.
YES. My intuitive practice is a spiritual one. It is a checking in with Sacred presence, with my Divine Creator. It is a way to align myself daily with the truth of what is.
Taking on you intuition is not about being the cool kid with psychic gifts ( unless that’s how you want to play it) its about developing a part of you that is here to serve in a BIGGER WAY! It won’t come from your mind, or body or heart ONLY. It’s a team effort, so get your SOUL onboard and turn away from the naysayers, the shamers and the fear-filled.
HUGE love. In passionate transformation & sacred community,