Often we look around and feel like we aren’t getting the love we “deserve.” This idea and/or experience can get us in a funky mood.
If love seems to be “missing” from your life…
take a moment.
How do YOU define LOVE?
How do you define experiencing love?
Do you give love easily or is there an agenda on your part? Are you keeping a love tally?
Do you ALLOW others to love you the way they do? Are you OPEN to RECEIVE?
And of utmost importance, do you love & accept yourself the way YOU are?
We’ve all been fed this idea that we aren’t “good enough” at some turn of our experience or we have formed that idea. Yet our greatest power comes from loving and accepting ourselves the way we are!
When we love ourselves we are going to make better choices. When we love ourselves we are going to GIVE ourselves opportunities to SHINE and give others in turn!
As we learn to love and accept ourselves the way we are, we in turn can support others to love us and respect us as they also respect and love themselves. Win-win situation, we say!
Remember we set the pace. We actually DO have a SAY in how much love we give, experience and receive.
The truth is that we are love. Yes, that’s it. We seek what we are reflected back. Let us recognize what we are and invite all that juiciness in!
Affirmation for today: “ I love and accept myself the way I am. I am open to experience giving, experiencing and receiving love in it’s infinite manifestations.”
Ah LOVE. We are love and we are always experiencing love <3
~Vcc 11/12/13