Self-deception: One of the ways our ego and inner saboteur can trip us up is by telling us that we have “arrived.” It can convince us that after all these trials and tribulations we are “Illuminated. Evolved. Enlightened or a Bodhissatva!” This can create spiritual snobbery and also a delusion of sorts. It can blind you to your actions and thoughts. It can cloud the truth of your own hidden agenda. It can even bring your world crumbling down if you have built it on a faulty foundation.
Yes, you may have released fears and broken through patterns. You may have MORE love to hold in your heart and there is always more…
Not “more” in a way that guides you to competition rather more in that we are eternal and multi-dimensional, of course there is more! Enlightenment is not a race, a game, a winner takes all or even a location. I believe it is a path, a journey, an adventure and sacred play.
SO be happy in the expansion that you are feeling and remember you are not the total Shiznitz. You are part of the badass Universe and yet you are not the God of all Gods. So join humanity and break bread among mortals. Dance, love and live openly.
Being kind to all, including yourself,
approach leadership as Soul service,
hide not your fears in houses made of flesh, shoes, food, gambling, money, acquisitions, fame and power. Hide not your brilliant light in earthly, fleeting and ultimately disenchanting endeavors. These will fill you temporarily.
Seek the truth that you are love and here to channel this into the world.
SO simple, yes? So complicated to our earthly minds.
This may just bring you to the Enlightenment you seek…
without even knowing that you are there
Loving you