Often when you realize your “purpose” your “mission” or simply your next “big thing,” there is an immediate full-bodied YES.
Post on FB. Sign up for courses, maybe buy some books.
This YES gets you off your couch or your comfort long enough to SEE that there’s something more that you’ve been called to share with the world.
Then your brain, stats on the success that other’s have had or other people’s experiences start to simmer it down to a maybe, or to a MEHHH…
Eventually you find yourself saying,” Well, it’s a dream you know…I need to keep my feet on the ground.”
Yeah, it IS a DREAM. A dream that YOU have been given, in your own way!
So keep it SIMPLE.
When a dream shakes you up inside enough to say YES!
Nurture it. Find those that will cultivate it with you.
Stay away from naysayers and stay connected to your HEART!
In the end, it’s YOUR dream for you to follow, create and bring forth into the world.
Don’t let it pass out of this world without a fighting chance.
Keep it simple. Keep saying,” YES.”
YES. Yes. YES. Yes. YES. Yes.
~VCC 11/9/13