FULL MOON IN PISCES: Well. If it ain’t a possible tearjerker I don’t know what is
I’ve been dry-eyed yet my HEART runneth over with love, gratitude and awareness!
The Full moon is the moon in it’s fullest of powers. Intentions that we began two weeks ago on the NEW MOON are now flourishing OR not. The full moon is always a great time to go deep and re-access where we are going and what we are creating.
This particular full moon invites us into even greater healing! It can unearth deeply held trauma, love and compassion. It can unearth true spiritual power and miracles that until this time may not have been possible!
The trick though? STAY PRESENT.
‘Cuz Pisces has a magickal way of leading us into the wonderland scenarios where food, drink, drugs and sex might be a recourse to pain , suffering and awareness. The thing is, it might allow us a temporary escape but we all gotta pay the ferryman to get to truth…so get your courage shillings in order and step up.
Facing the Minotaur, the three-headed dog and other mythical creatures turned everyday characters (did I hear Boss, wifey and best friend?) or just different aspects of YOUR inner self could be in the making at this time.
It’s all worse when you hide, escape or go numb.
So step away from the cake, put the iPhone down, and don’t even look at the booze.
It will be ok so just let it out.
Mind you, this is not all about pain and suffering. Often when we actually behold that we CAN GET WHAT WE WANT…we suffer MORE than when we think we can’t!
Pisces is the sign of the fish, connected to Ascended Masters and the symbol of eternity. Pisces is the dissolution of form and the embodying of meaning. It’s the embrace of opposites and the wisdom of the ages. It’s meeting Jesus while making out with Kali and singing love songs to the Isis. It’s the all is ONE and ONE for all…
And you are the superb human being that is supposed to be able to carry all of this!
Deep breath. Yeah…
In it’s shadow aspects, Pisces is about feeling lost, confused and disconnected. At it’s highest expression it is about being a conscious LIGHT in the world. We know that confused and disconnected can lead to the LIGHT. SO wherever you are TODAY on the spectrum, keep on swimming!
My Abuela always said that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.
I would say that the Soul within us doesn’t accept assignments that we can’t handle.
SO what assignments are YOU still okay with?
Take a deep breath. Feel your feet in the earth (on the ground below you) and really breathe low. Allow yourself to find your center thru the breath.
IMAGINE your life now. And the role you are playing in it.
Are you still okay with this role? Is it too confining? It is? Ok, let it go.
Everything is a habit but every habit begins with a decision. IF you are feeling confined at this Full Moon…it’s time to breathe freely. ALLOW IT. It really is your decision
This full moon in Pisces forms a Grand Trine in Water. This lovely alignment allows for more healing and clearing of past karma and shining our LIGHT brightly in the world.
ALLOW yourself to embrace that at whatever age or life phase you may be at…
Step outside today and look up at the FULL MOON.
Allow your 5 year old to look up, your 25 year old, your 40 year old self and your other selves waiting to be born to stand on this earth and peer up…innocently, lovingly and with an open-heart.
It’s not happening TO YOU.
You are loved.
So go be BIG in all the million of little ways that create an epic journey!
Cuz love is who you are and who you are meant to BE.
blessed be,
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