LIVING THE DREAM: I was at Mastin Kipp’s workshop yesterday and as I left a young woman said,”You look familiar. You did a Intuition workshop at the REVEAL conference a few years ago…” “Yes!,” I said. ” You were awesome, thanks! And I’ve been following you and I wanted to congratulate you on living your dream.”
WOW. I took that in. REALLY IN.
I have a life now where my sensitivity is my greatest advantage. I have a life where I decide what my days look like. I have a life that I WANTED but didn’t know how to get. I am location-free and work from anywhere. This is not a hobby or part-time situation anymore…it’s my FULL TIME CALLING. And on many days, it is seven days a week and it employes my mind, body and spirit like nOTHING else has…and trust me I’ve directed, acted, sang, performed and worked in corporate, academic settings as well as start-ups and non-profits.
Is that scary? YES.
I wanted FREEDOM and now I have it. I had always had it really and now I am LIVING it!
FREEDOM comes with responsibility, accountability, hard work, deep soul diving and courageous risks.
YES, in order for me to do what I do and support YOU the way you deserve…I have to continue growing, releasing, transforming and RISKING.
IF you want to “live your dream,” whatever it looks like, know that it doesn’t come without risk. How can you LEAD, or GUIDE people into the dark places or the light filled places if YOU, yourself haven’t traveled there?
When I do intuitive sessions, I know I am kind, sassy and TRUTHFUL. Any support that is offered is supported by my values of integrity and love. Yet, sometimes…most often you will hear things that you may not like and that will ALWAYS call you to increased risk AND connection.
SO BE READY TO EMBRACE THIS…for the rest of your life. You may dance towards it or come kicking and screaming. I know I have both ways!
My guides told me to cancel my wedding two months before the date set. I had been living with my fiancé for 6 years and a stepmom to three kids. It was a location wedding in Miami’s Spanish Monastery with 175 traveling guests! I was like,” YOU COULDN’T TELL ME SOONER???” I heard,” YOU HAD LESSONS and THEY ARE DONE.”
Taking a deep breath I said,” I will cancel this wedding if you give me evidence in black and white, please.”
A week later I received a message and called my fiancé and asked that he honor our promises because I felt that our Universe was about to shift and change. He laughed though he knew my abilities. A week after that, when he returned from a business trip, he left an open email on my laptop. There it was in black and white. EVIDENCE. I had asked and it was delivered.
After sobbing at the infidelity, I asked him to leave. Within 24 hours there was an apology email to the guests sent. Everything was cancelled. My 1k wedding dress forgotten at the store, too painful to retrieve.
I had left my job in Telemundo/NBC Miami. I had no job, cancelled a wedding and had kicked him out. It felt like losses all around. I had me and I CHOSE to honor what I felt I deserved.
This breakup lead to my stepping into the work I do today. I believe in my heart that going through this DIVINE earthquake brought me more fully on the path. My energies that had been tied up in my family were suddenly flowing into dancing, traveling and learning even more!
I’ve had lots of Divine earthquakes. The layoff, major surgery, car accident, break-up and MRSA all happened within three months…and when was delivered of these dark nights of the Soul…my full-time business was born. Out of tears, joys, dreams, courage and often feeling like most human beings didn’t get me. It wasn’t their job. I had to GET ME and LOVE ME AS I AM.
These DIVINE earthquakes and destructions have created a more vulnerable and trusting human. That’s why I am resilient. That is why I am confident. This is why I know I can hold the space people need when undergoing a tremendous change. My bullshit and fears are continuously peeled from me. I’ve been there, so many theres. I’ve risen from ashes and I’ve learned to THRIVE.
This takes risking. You can’t LIVE your dream if you’re not letting your wings SOAR. I’ve created a 4 and 8 week programs and 9 month programs as well as serving one on one. I’ve taught in Spanish and have clients/students from around the world, in two languages and STILL…I am being called to expand and SOAR further!
Is that scary? YES. And I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Thank you to the lovely lady last night who reminded me. Thank you to all of you that share, read and post. Thank YOU to my clients and students who keep showing up for THEMSELVES AND THE PLANET.
I love you so much and I am so grateful I am living my dream. It’s not exactly what I thought it would look’s SO MUCH MORE
loving you.
© VCC 9/10/14