Staying True while going through Transformation

vanessa codorniu gym

As the seasons change and we are brought deeper into our truths, self-care is needed more than ever. We are all going through deep change and it doesn’t mean we have to suffer.
We can “choose” to move thru it gracefully and trust in our inner guidance. There’s been a huge shift for me this Fall and it has brought more love, more connection, more healing and by receiving and flowing with change: greater ease.

At the gym today reflecting on how my business has been growing even in this shifting marketplace. I know that part of the fun of being an entrepreneur is trying on different hats and seeing what works. Exploration is key in growth and then there’s grabbing at what’s hot…that means you are turning your inner power over to your fears of lack and believing that what you have to offer is limited. Stay true.

I know from my inner guidance that being what you are, always allows you to expand. If you’re worried about your career or business, keep shining YOUR light. Don’t try on fads or trends as if they were your essence.

I’ve been an oracle, intuitive healer teacher for decades and have been told to leave that behind, cut out the urban priestess part or morph. I think that works for some. I’ve noticed for myself that as I stay true to who I am and what I do, people find me.

Abundance flows and opportunities keep arising. It’s not from a billion teleclasses or marketing machinations… It’s from showing up as my true self over and over again. For some that might be too simplistic. For me, it’s tried and true wisdom. I believe in it. I’ve lived it.

Trends, templates come and go. Be solid. Show up consistently as you are. You don’t need all the crazy “extra” some might jump on that boat. People resonate deeply with the authentic that serves from the Soul. I’ve always said, ” Serve wherever you are.” That’s what we are here for. Lifestyles come and go. DeAls and bookings come and go.

My Soul has always said,” you were here in the beginning, you are here now and you will be here after.” All of us have been. We are eternal.

Remember this journey of ours is deep, long, complicated, scary as well as beautiful, exhilarating and moving.

It’s more than getting followers, getting to Oprah, marrying the perfect partner. It’s all about Embodying your Soul. Shine my friends, I see you. New energies are being added to all of us for this purpose. Don’t stare too long at the doors that closed, turn and dance in the fields of your own freedom.

That’s what this time of change is about. Freedom, service, connection & expression! Blessed be, Ashe, Aho & Amen! V

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