If there is something that I believe in more than anything, is that we have the Magick and the Soul Power to be, create and manifest anything that we want! I know some people may roll their eyes when they read this but honestly I am the living example of this.
This vocation for me wasn’t found in school ( though talents were discovered), or in jobs ( more skills developed), it was birthed in the exploring of what authentically makes me happy!
And that is going into the Mystery of each person; reading their past/present/unfolding future, connecting with the invisible worlds and delving deeply in the mud of the subconscious to bring about healing and wholeness.
I didn’t start out with a structure like so many coaches do. I Created the structure to hold the invisible. My body, mind, spirit, life and work ARE the vessel in which the Universe pours through ONE of it’s infinite expressions…as are YOU.
So if you are stuck or stressing, focus on your well-being and on what makes you happy and full of joy. Frankly businesses built on what’s trendy or cool ( and they can be “spiritual” projects too) will fall apart eventually. I believe what transforms and continues to create magic happens deeply within you and is aligned with your heart and is embodied in your very essence.
Connect to that magick because YOU are everything <3
loving you,
~vcc 2014