Intuitives & Staying Small: Time To Shine Openly

Something that many Intuitives, Healers and Visionaries don’t talk about: staying small to be loved, accepted and safe.

It may happen when you were five years old, a faint trace of a past life or at 55 years old. The thing is that it happened. This thing, this energy and this belief system somewhere along the line had us shut up, hide and down play our gifts.

Intuitives, healers and visionaries often have claircognizance, meaning that ” they know without knowing how they know.”

That means that yes you may make statements in an objective manner as if it was fact and a group or a friend or partner will look at you like,” YOU can’t know that???? What are you taking about?”

In the meantime, they know they were triggered because you asked a question, offered a thought, idea or feeling and it unsettled them that you shared this with self-confidence or just a carefree energy. No need to be right or power struggling.

There is no need because as you share it freely, there is no importance attached to having a say. As a messenger, you just delivered the mail and were about to walk away. Just offering a question that might support them in going deeper or a perspective that might offer them more peace, freedom and conscious choice.

For many, especially the Intuitives who are WAKING UP now, this is an issue. It was something I had to deal with all my life. I hid from it, downplayed it and had me offering many of my services for free- for too long! Thankfully, I realized that what comes naturally to us is our gift and our vocation and that we all need to earn a living on earth school ( well most of us!)

Many shut down, turn bitter or get angry and use their knowing to control, manipulate others and share information with an angry energy. Compassion and love, at the heart of intuitive guidance seems to drain out of those that have shut down and there is hope!

Some of the messages received:
” Who the hell do you think you are?”
” Why do you speak like you know things? You don’t know anything about that subject!”
” Why do you think you invented that?”
” You are TOO MUCH!!!!!”

All of this BS really was layered on top of this open-hearted goodness that just wanted to dance, play, laugh and share whatever was being channeled through my being. I never shut down. I just hid that I was reading people and I became a great peace-keeper, solution-finder and cheerleader-everywhere I went. I only let my gifts fully be seen in my healing, circle and intuitive work. Decades really of being hidden and underground and then life showed me it was time to come out and do what I do. No apologies.

I can’t tell you enough…it’s a different life. Difficulties and challenges still exist but I am what I was born to be and BOLDLY. NO more hiding. I used to train and support people secretly, quietly. Now I travel to in person workshops and online workshops.

Of course, there is an ART to be learned with experience on how to share information because there are boundaries. Over the years I would say,” hey have you ever thought of trying this?” ” what do you think of…?” and shared this intuitive guidance as just friendly ideas and support. I am very out and out direct with close friends and with all my clients and students. Why? because we have an agreement that I will do that. It’s clear and we both show up that way. Boundaries respected and clarity abounds.

So what is the solution? Three suggestions

Part of my mission is to support visionaries, healers and intuitives in owning, developing and using their gifts for a healthy life and to do their great work in the world.

1. Love yourself: so easily said and such an on-going process! A day at a time, realize we are all ONE and yet we are all unique expressions of the LIGHT. Allow yourself to embrace YOUR uniqueness! KNOW that you were made this way so yu can do what you are meant to do in this life!

2. Seek a mentor that done that and been there. Many are talented but working with someone who really owns their gift will support you to expand and step into your talents FULL ON!

3. Seek like-minded community: I looked and looked. No temple, church or organization truly did it for me because we are talking the late eighties and early nineties. All this healing & wellness stuff? pretty hidden! Where Womyn Gather and Daughters of the Earth really supported me but before I discovered them…my guides said,” Gather them.” That’s what I’ve been doing since the 90s. Go towards a SOUL tribe that will revel and embrace your light! My intuition bootcamp was created for that purpose as well.
I wanted to start this conversation and bring some light to it! Freedom is crucial to our Soul journey. It’s only when we can embrace our own sameness AND uniqueness that we can fully live & breathe our Soul Purpose!

loving you,


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