Do you feel too much and sense energies all around?
Do you have insight into people, situations and even places and know things that you couldn’t logically “know”?
Well, you are not alone 🙂 I am a sensitive, an empath. I am an intuitive that is a Seer and shares as an Oracle. What does that ll mean? It means that I’ve honed a gift THAT WE ALL HAVE. Now some of us sing better than others and with practice we can all improve. Intuition is there for all of us. Some of us are more expansive and open…yet WE ALL HAVE THESE LATENT ABILITIES.
My message, my vision and my passion has always been for each and every human being to embrace and understand their intuitive abilities. We are wired to receive invisible information and most of the time…we are just plain overwhelmed. There are alot of myths out there about intuition and what isn’t. Most of all there is alot of fear. I’ve been a professional intuitive for two decades and in the last one stepped into guiding and supporting intuitives, healers, creatives and visionaries to really understand their gifts.
WHY? because our world depends on it. YOUR world depends on it.
When we don’t understand, accept or apply our intuition we can:
* stay stuck and indecisive
* get sick and overwhelmed
* feel lost and even slip into depression
* take on jobs, careers that our “mind” or the “world” says we should take on
* Feel our inner flame go out
* stay in bad or limiting relationships of all sorts
* not do or BE what we are mean to be…
When we listen we CHANGE our inner world
When we have the courage to STEP INSIDE
we will GROW the courage to STEP OUTSIDE and SHINE in a powerful and love-based way!
I am updating my 8 week intuition bootcamp Intuitive Leverage for SPRING 2015.
If you would like to connect to see if you are a fit, let’s chat! sending love! V