I see so many healers/intuitives/creatives and light workers running about trying to be everything to everyone and scattering themselves everywhere and wondering why they are so tired, overwhelmed or not getting ahead in their own goals.
Been there, done that.
While it served me to be everywhere because it gave me a variety of skills and know-how, the real success and deep feeling of wholeness came when I FOCUSED.
Once upon a time, I wrote a letter to the Universe asked God that I may serve on Earth School as a vessel of inspiration and transformation…I thought that meant SERVE WHEREVER YOU ARE, ALL THE TIME AND JUST GIVE AND GIVE…GIVE SOME MORE!
What I learned:
* If you keep planting in poor soil, a harvest is less than likely.
* Just because you are here to shine your light doesn’t mean you have to get comfortable with residing in hell.
* If you don’t honor your value and time…no one else will.
* Even though I may function like I have 27 hours in a day…I kinda don’t.
* When you are focused, chances of success are very likely.
* Part of getting focused is owning your own mission and talents.
Yes, it’s scary shiz but part of our own growth and journey! When we define and focus our accountability quotient rises and most of us stress when that happens. The thing is you were already serving and you were already invested. By getting focused you are increasing the likelihood of growth and expansion and maximizing your impact across the board.
SERVE WHEREVER YOU ARE and remember that while our Soul overflows with energy and power that our bodies need rest and CHOOSING who to work deeply with, is needed.
Truth…I believe in adding goodness to any place or group or space I am in. Sometimes that looks like listening, holding space, speaking, sharing, laughing and deep conversations with strangers that I may never see again.
Truth…once I got CLEAR that I wanted to work with intuitives/creatives/entrepreneurs that were ready to dive deeply and move on their dreams- THEY SHOWED UP!
When I was unclear, I attracted unclear.
When I got clear, clear got attracted to me.
SO getting clear and focused is not about losing freedom are reigning you in. I still work with kids anywhere from 5 to over 70 years of age, both men and women. The thing is most of them are READY and they SHOW UP.
Have the courage to give yourself the time to get clear and focused. Once you know WHO you want to serve in a deeper, consistent way…your peeps get some amazing radio energetic message and we all converge in some shape or form.
It’s like a Spirit smoke signal that wafts thru the air and into the stars…
It’s a powerful intention into the Universe and an acknowledgement of what you are here to do.
I believe your Soul wants that and so does your everyday personality. Working with your tribe enriches the journey and allows all of us to grow, expand and feel deeper in the joy of doing what we love, with those we love and creating more love in the world.
Cheering YOU on, SHINE sweet ones!
loving you, V