The human body is brilliant. It holds the deepest wisdom. We are embedded with a Soul code, a purpose code and a wellness code. Our bodies WANT to be healthy. They were made to find the unique balance for each Earth school player!
It is the battleground of BELIEFS, EMOTIONS and THOUGHTS.
It is the HOLY LAND for true connection, healing, transformation and passion!
The sacred space for healing beliefs and welcoming in creations and inspirations!
When you are having recurring illnesses, colds, pains and body aches. When tests keep coming up clear…you KNOW, you just KNOW that your body is trying to drop some knowledge on YOU!
You may hear: “leave this job, this relationship doesn’t fit anymore, stop trying to fit in! Let’s create! Let’s make love! I need more connection! I NEED to dance! I NEED to WRITE! I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE!!!!”
This DEEP wisdom will guide you to your greatest CREATION.
That is, YOUR LIFE as it is meant to be..NOT like what others say, what culture states is normal.
This WISDOM will teach you the “NEW NORMAL,”
where intuitive ACTION is KING and the Feminine is QUEEN once more!
Pay attention.
Lay your hands on your body. Dare to be BRAVE enough to ask,
” What do I need to KNOW? How do I need to PROCEED to get well?”
Listen because YOUR beautiful physical vehicle is TALKING TO YOU.
What is it saying…right NOW?
We hear whispers: Love me. Do what’s right and let’s be FREE
Yeah…let’s lead the rebellion for the “NEW NORMAL.”
loving you,
~VCC 11/6/13