Do you feel a yearning for something new? I mean besides the New Year and all…I mean something in you wanting to shake it up in a new way? Well breathe easier my friend because the new moon is here to help!
The New Moon is all about seeding new ideas, thoughts, projects and change in our mind, body & spirits.
Aquarius is an air sign though often confused for a water sign because of the water bearer symbol. This energy of ideas and change are channeled into the archetype of the rebel, the visionary & the humanitarian.
So breathe deeply and KNOW that without a doubt your desires are being manifesting… they may feel slow in coming because of mercury retrograde, yet they are unfolding!
Soooo why don’t you take a minute & see what part of you jumps up & dances to a new beat and trust…trust that Divine Guidance is carrying you into change and a renewal and reinvention of your life!
Loving you, V
The Daily Oracle 2015
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