When do we give up? Most of us take great pride in not being “quitters” and being able to pull through the tough times in life. I know that I am one of these people. Once I give my word, it’s pretty damn solid. I call it integrity and I’ve had to learn on Earth School, that walking away or letting go, isn’t quitting…it’s getting wise.
I know that in the past I’ve stayed in situations, relationships and even on projects
that turned out to be more “work” than I ever intended. My good intentions and strong work ethic, didn’t want me to give up.
“What if the Universe is testing me?”
“What if this is part of the agreement I signed up for?”
“What if? What if?”
How can we tell the difference?
Well, in the thing you need to let go of there’s usually what I call a “Fatal Flaw” it’s something that has nothing to do with you and that you keep fighting up against. It could be that a partner in business is not trustworthy but..”you want to believe in them.”
It can be a romantic partner that has serious intimacy issues or patterns of fear that no matter what pretzel, yoga formation you take…they cannot get over. They can’t because it’s their decision and their healing path to take. The Boss that projects their insecurities on his/her team and isn’t even aware of it-while continuously causing drama and chaos.
There are just situations, that NO MATTER WHAT WE DO, WILL NOT CHANGE.
That’s the difference!
Staying in something like that will dampen your drive and have you bumping heads and never getting what you want.
That’s the difference, is there a Fatal Flaw here or is it negotiable and easily workable?
That awesome guy/gal who is afraid of getting hurt in love, you share openly, give it time and it turns out great. That business partner that might have different strengths than you do and really wants to join forces..it may take time getting used to the dance but it can succeed.
Taking stock of WHERE we place our energy is important because when we place it in a bucket with the proverbial hole…well, being drained and exhausted is the outcome.
When we stay, or continue the fight we need to ask ourselves…WHY? because frankly it’s something within us drawing us to this set up, person or situation.
“What story am I playing out?”
“Did I see this type of interaction in my family? How am I replicating this story?”
“How am I adding to this going-nowhere situation?”
“What am I here to learn and why did I decide to enter into this and stay?”
It’s part of Earth School, this learning when we need to let go and when we need to be patient and work on things.
There are times where our Soul will test us. Not everything works out the way we want on our first try…coming back to practice as in a hobby, sport or anything worth doing, will take time.
The thing is…every time something is truly meant to be, you will get signs. Doors might not open right away but as you keep showing up, a window pops open or a backdoor let’s you in!
I didn’t wind up becoming an award-winning ( singer, actor, director) yet when I wanted to try these things, doors opened…my experience in all these areas helps me with my work today! It served me and when I was ready to leave, I did. It wasn’t wasted time, it was practice for the real deep calling that my Soul was preparing me for.
So don’t give up on your calling or dreams. Do give up on fixating that “that project, that person, that opportunity” is the only way. The Universe is boundless and ONLY our mind can limit the doors that open to your TRUE calling or even partner.
Our time is something we don’t get back. We can replace a car, a house or even a product. And while some of us may believe we have eternity ( I am one of them), I only have this life as Vanessa and I want to place seeds in fertile ground that grow, so I am always checking in 🙂
Take a moment and check in and get ready for some awesome growth coming your way!!!
When is it time to quit? When it’s no longer serving your highest good.
Keep Keepin’ On!
loving you, V
The Daily Oracle 2015
#vanessacodorniu #theurbanpriestess #priestess #thedailyoracle #oracle #intuition #amagickallife #magickinmysoul #highpriestess #seer #intuitiveoraclesessions #lovemywork #lovingtheflow #magic #thememefairy #stateofgrace #grace #fairiesamongus #angellife #angelsamongus #starseedlove #mermaidlove #intergalacticparty