POWERFUL AWARENESS & DEEP RELEASE: Most of us are carrying stories, belies and patterns that are not truly ours. They are “money” “love” “success” and “sex” stories. There are patterns around the RESCUER, MARTYR, HERO, STARVING ARTIST, REBEL & so many other archetypes. Part of my own healing path and that of the work I do through clinical hypnotherapy and priestessing is the healing of ancestral patterns.
When stories are told and retold, they become a “reality” and we are born into this innocently (obviously with some agreement to explore this illusion) and and always with the choice to uncover & transform this belief and allow ourselves and our families greater freedom and wholeness.
Some of these patterns manifest in poverty, heartbreak, physical illness, lack of success or hitting a ceiling in our careers. They can affect us in lack of confidence in our art, our creativity or business. Body hate and fear of intimacy can be passed down thru generations through cultural, religious and societal codes for living.
For example my family has highly intuitive people on both sides of the family.
My maternal grandfather had a guide and received messages. He shared this with me when I came to him stressed and excited over the arrival and communication of my spirit guides. My maternal grandmother received messages from the departed and they both explored the books of the spiritualist & medium, Allan Kardec.
My paternal family had a grandfather who was interested in UFOs, mediumship and the other parts of the mind that we don’t use. My maternal grandmother was a medium. People believed AND they didn’t tell anyone about it. It was accepted but to shared openly and there was always a fear that it might harm me if I delved deeper. My mom was particularly protective and I had many a battle with her as she tried to keep me safe.
As I released these beliefs years ago, I was able to embrace and start conversations and guide others in test areas. I my own way I have created a healing and an open expression of this. As we each heal and release these fears/patterns we create more healing for ourselves and others.
While these patterns can “feel” very real, they are not. They are illusions that we are dealing with on this Earth walk and illusions that we can heal and transform. As we gather ourselves into wholeness there is MORE energy for healing our bodies, minds and spirits. There is MORE ability to manifest success, love & abundance.
Today as I finished a session my awesome client said: Is there any crystal I should use for further healing? I said: snowflake obsidian, petrified wood and…they are telling me you have a tiger’s eye! She laughed: Yes in my hand!
Intuition, reiki and priestess and shamanic training support my experience in hypnosis. Powerfully coming together in a very subtle and supportive way, all of these come together for my clients as they dive deep and uncover and transform that which no longer serves.
If you would like to have a chat about this, let’s! love, V
Book a chat below!