The Power of Your Hidden Beliefs: Stop Revolving. Keep Evolving.

vanessa codorniu paradigms


It’s very hard to accept that perspective is everything. Even that deep unconscious perspective that sabotages your most amazing attempts, healings and spiritual “awakenings…” sometimes there is just really deeply-rooted traumas and patterns that are ancestral, past life, generational or even just “learned” survival behaviors based on what you have experienced.


You can argue yourself into a corner. You can try to negotiate. You can eat, avoid, shop, deny, hoard, sleep, drug, drink, screw, overwork, over love and help everyone else around you but you, and say,” well at least I’m not this bad or at least this…”

Guess what…the point is that the deep-seated paradigms and fears that literally have guided how you behave in your life and the energy you put out ARE STILL AT WORK.

It may not be THAT BAD it may seem like it’s better.

What I have noticed for myself, friends, clients and students is that no matter what, if that core belief is at work, the situations might look more sophisticated and they may appear more “evolved.”

The core theme song is still playing and yeah, you’re still dancing to that tune.

Fear of marrying the wrong guy: ” Oh well at least I didn’t marry the wrong person! I notice and have the courage to break up with them!”

Fear of lack of prosperity: “If I pay off my debts, I will no longer have this fear or it won’t be as strong.”

You might feel smug that you didn’t marry the wrong one ( congrats!) but are you in a loving relationship now?

Probably not because some trauma, belief or pattern you may not even have unearthed yet is at play. You believe you may have healed that belief but yet, your partners may still let you down and therefore turn out to be “wrong.”

You most likely can be dating conscious, awesome men who might suddenly turn up smelling less beautiful than compost when their hidden agenda comes out.

Yes, you may have a great plan to be debt-free ( always awesome) but if you have a fear of lack…you will pay off debt AND then your car, back or job gives out.

Your husband can be laid off and a baby on the way..No matter what happens, there’s is always a new bill or issue. You are not “poor” but you are always paying bills and then when near the “finish line” a new more difficult challenge may arise.

SOMETHING will always come up to kick your butt, “JUST WHEN I THOUGHT I WAS OUT, THEY PULL ME BACK IN!”

Fear of success and/or failure: ” I work too much, I am too busy and sick/tired/overworked to do what I really love!”

Interesting that when you finally do have the opportunity, the way seems blocked. Blocked by all the “stuff” that you’ve avoided over the years!

The great news is that thankfully, there is an amazing opportunity to now heal and transform that stuff to get to the juicy part of making your dreams come true!

SO don’t feel too bad because it’s kind of like the work we are here to do on Earth School.

EVOLVE past the physical limitations that we perceive as “real” when in truth we are unlimited beings. Things will keep repeating, recycling and REVOLVING until we take the time to pay true attention.

We, human beings are creatures of habit.
We, human beings are creatures of comfort that like to avoid pain…
we human beings ARE also beings of unlimited potential, beauty, strength and courage.

I had a million reasons as to why I couldn’t do my work full time.

* I need more training!
* Who the hell do I think I am
* I will starve and have to go back to my day work
* People won’t understand what I do
* I have no START UP money
ohhh this one…


So I started to align myself with the belief that I was completely and utterly born and destined to do this work. That I was powerful, relentless and unstoppable. That no matter what happened..I would find a way and succeed.


* serious surgery led me back to a job for benefits
* Lay off day before surgery
* Painful break up post-surgery
* Car accident on 12/21/12
* found out I had MRSA for 3 months and doctors hadn’t seen it…

Perfect combination to give up my place in NYC and run screaming to family in Miami? or run screaming to the corporate world? and it’s ok to go back to day job, I am sharing MY experience with my beliefs.


I didn’t..

I had already crossed over.
Not in the going to the other side crossing over, in the sense that I had transformed my beliefs that I couldn’t make it.

No start-up money.
Not too much in the bank even for next rent…

NO financial support.

ANd guess what,
I was unstoppable because I WAS BORN TO DO THIS.

I also had soul allies who loved and supported me, both alive and in spirit.

Key words: so I BELIEVED.

Through tears I created a month long program.
It was filled.
Through some fears I created a 9 month program.
It was filled.

Three years later, I am still here. Doing what I love!!!

If we want to EVOLVE we have to stop REVOLVING.

That takes a desire to want a new reality.
That takes courage.
It takes a level of attention and vulnerability.

It takes someone who has been there and done it for themselves and their clients and students.

If you have been revolving and feel like EVOLVING some of those limiting beliefs, let’s have a chat! Pm me and let’s connect <3

huge love,

copyright 2015 The Daily Oracle VCC

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