So many coaches & students keep asking about the 11:11…here’s a bit from a post in 11:11:11
Manifesting Divine Spirit
I know as many of you, that the Lightworkers are here and awakening. As the Hopi Elders have said: “We are the Ones we have been waiting for.” We have everything we need to change our lives, ourselves, our world. Many people are awakening, realizing that there is more to life than this lovely Earth school. Many are recognizing patterns, addiction to the past and have an increasing desire for greater joy, peace and joy in their lives and in the world.
Hearing the small whispers of our inner voice… all of us, slowly and sometimes quickly…are being guided to step into our magnificent power of choice. The power to CHOOSE love over hate, the power to CHOOSE self-acceptance over self-criticism and the power to allow our mind, body and spirit to pursue our deep soul-calling dreams AND our greatest healing.. Each of us creating the change we wish to see in our lives and inevitably or world. For as each of us releases the past and accepts our ability to choose we change our families, our partnerships, our schools, our education and dare I say…our governments and businesses as well.
Historically many seeking change have sacrificed their lives, martyred themselves for the greater good. It is my belief that this gateway to spiritual consciousness for the world begins with US. As givers, lovers of life, teachers, nurses, CEOs, writers, police officers and consciously evolving human beings we may often ignore our own needs. In this new spiritual era let us release the archetype of the martyr. As we step into this gateway now, we need to commit to our healing, our self-acceptance and own our power to choose and create. We are truly willing participants in this journey called LIFE.
Allow this 11:11:11 gateway to help you WALK your TALK. As you give others compassion, give yourself as such. As we accept and love ourselves, we will have an easier time of accepting and loving others.
Spiritual Gateway & What it Means For Us
All over the world people are gathering today on 11:11:11, from innovative wellness centers in Williamsburg, NYC, cozy suburban backyards to ancient mystical sites such as Peru and Egypt… the aim is the same: ushering in and entering thru a Spiritual Gateway of conscious evolution.
Using music, movement, sound, meditation and visualization those gathered will offer collective intentions to seed the world with peace, harmony, and compassion for Earth’s inhabitants as well as for future generations yet to come to earth.
11.11.11, is the eleventh time since January 1st 2001 (1.1.1) that a date representing a month, day or year, repeats itself on our calendar. The numbers repeat three times, the date creates a visual marker not only on the calendars and watches but also in human consciousness. This pattern speaks to our deepest unconscious. This rare occurrence will not occur for one hundred years and four generations will be born, live and will die within that time span.
The Meaning of the Numbers 11.11.11
There is a metaphysical aspect in the vibration of numbers and each of the sequence of repetitive dates on the calendar (1.1.1, 2.2.2, 3.3.3 through 12.12.12) hold a unique meaning and power based on symbolic numerological interpretations.
The number 1 symbolizes the Great Initiator, the Creator-God, the masculine energy manifesting itself in the world, spawning new beginnings. When that number 1 resonates and repeats itself, it manifests as an 11 which is a “Master Vibration Number” that represents “The Spiritual Messenger.” It is the messenger that brings inspiration and revelation from a higher plane. This spiritual vibration is the foundation of compassionate love on a global scale.
Its power is intensified this year because on November 11, 2011 (11.11.11) the number resonates three times as a “Master Triune Number.”
An elevated frequency master triune number has the ability, through its nature, to open an expansive awareness in each of us. As the collective consciousness of individuals becomes awakened and aware, the invisible energy behind the visible speaks to our deep souls. These stirrings open a portal causing a profound remembering that represents the Divine Spirit awakening in each of us. In one way or another we are answering that calling on different levels and responding.
How are you answering this call?
If you are interested in exploring your calling and releasing patterns that no longer serve you, consider working with me and thru our work together you will
* Connect to your calling & intuition
* Release patterns and past which no longer serve you
* Release stress & anxiety as you connect to greater well-being and peace
* Explore & establish a spiritual practice that supports you thru life
May this gateway herald a time of positive change for you!