The promotion was YOURS, you boss said so, except that the bonus, assistant and title went to someone else.
The DREAM college the ONE that was going to get you everywhere and ANYWHERE you wanted didn’t seem to choose you first as you were waitlisted.
Your expectations, your desires thwarted, blocked…
pain ensues and anger rises. Sometimes even dropping deeply into a depressed state.
You SEE this in a way that limits, cuts you off from your dreams. You experience this as painful as things are not flowing as you wanted.
Feel how you feel. Don’t stuff or deny your feelings AND dare, yes DARE to look at life from a more expansive way…
How about that whatever happened that you particularly don’t like was for your GREATEST GOOD?
What if the Universe in its infinite love and wisdom moved some pieces in strange ways and while the outcome may have been even devastating…that it was ALL actually for YOUR GREATEST GOOD.
Not your ego’s good, not your “I want things to be the way I want them so I can be happy, safe and comfortable!”
But your SOUL’s greatest expression.
YOUR once in a lifetime opportunity to be the best YOU that you are by engaging you in an adventure that
ALL of you!
Not the you that bitches and complains but stays on their backside without moving in any direction, which in essence IS a decision folks! And yes we are not saying that resting and meditating are not awesome for you. You KNOW what we are talking about…
We are saying that if you REALLY want the life you’ve always wanted you WILL have to step into it and give of your mind, body, heart and spirit AND you will also be asked to RECEIVE as well!
SO know,
KNOW in the quiet of your heart as you wake or lay down to sleep…
KNOW that all that has happened, has happened for YOUR GREATEST GOOD.
Accept your mission. Engage fully. We promise that you won’t be sorry.
You can’t. You won’t.
You will have lived an ADVENTURE like no other!
WOOoooHooo! Off we GO!!!
~VCC 10/29/13