Ohhhhh…we are all learning. We are Souls on one HUGE intergalactic exploration, research and field experience trip to Earth School.
As intuitives we pick up A LOT to say the least and yes, most of it is invisible information.
So we look into someone’s eyes and feel the truth behind words or actions.
We sense when something is off in the field. As my dear friend says,” there’s a wobble.”
Some know exactly what it is and others cannot put their finger on it.
Since we have had no real training in listening or understanding this inner sense, since we probably haven’t had much support in listening to this inner voice…we turn a blind eye and deaf ear.
Say it isn’t so. You just don’t want to know that kinda stuff sometimes…say it isn’t so that my business partner is cheating me, say it isn’t so that I can’t trust this person, say it isn’t so that this relationship isn’t right for me or that I am studying a major that I really hate and shouldn’t be studying. SAY IT ISN’T SO!
When we do this, we close down, shut off the greatest GIFT that we have been given, our intuitive senses! Our connection to the Divine and our internal guidance system.
We basically open our heart chakra and say, “BULLS-EYE!!! Right, here!”
BOOM. Goes truth as it slaps us in the face.
BAM. As we trip over things we kinda knew but didn’t want to deal with.
CRASH! as your reality topples to the floor.
Say it isn’t so…that I KNEW this stuff and I didn’t DEAL with it!
So what is greater, the stress of KNOWING before it’s happening or dealing with the fact that you KNEW and didn’t DO anything about it?
We think it’s the later that takes a greater toll on your mind, body and spirit.
As we stand by and watch you beloveds go through this, we your guides, pull off our caps, light up a spirit ciggy and say,” Oh Universe, say it isn’t so.”
Help us give up our spirit ciggy.
Help your body and mind not have to deal with the stress of KNOWING and not BEING/DOING what is in your highest and best interest!
ACCEPT you know sh$t.
KNOW it’s a GIFT.
BE in the energy that is best for YOU.
DO what is needed to keep your self aligned.
Yes, say it’s SO…
And so it is, so shall it BE!
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