Yes, it’s true there is a lie that we have all bought into. Well, actually to be clear, several.
For today, we will cover one that keeps us stuck for years and even lifetimes.
The belief that WHAT happens in 5 seconds, 30 minutes, 4 hours or 48 hours…can block us, close us down forever.
If we had a dime for every Earth school participant who said,” Well, my parents said I was fat soooo…My teachers said I wasn’t smart soooo. I am having issues because…” and stayed REVOLVING in that same belief for decades and decades.
In fact, until it became a comfortable blanket. A shield that keeps you in the known pain rather than allowing you to experience new “pain” because the old pain is always being reignited and revived through memory, telling and story. It also tempers, taints and can minimize the joy, happiness and love you can feel. The “comfortable” blanket blocks and distorts it all.
We are not making light of this. We are not saying that events, statements, situations and experiences haven’t marked you in some way.
The truth is that all these experiences and stories have shaped your character and journey.
We are saying you have given it all TOO much power.
We are here to support the fullest, most freeing USE of these experiences.
We are saying that just like you have CREATED a STORY about how that has played out for you…you can RECREATE another story.
Your identity, the quality of your relationships, your enjoyment on earth and your experiences on earth can always benefit from clearing your lens and expanding your perspective!
We are saying that just like YOU gave a statement, repeated statements, beatings, putdowns and ugly stares a lot of weight and bearing on WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU ARE…
YOU can also take that back.
Yes YOU can.
YOU can also decide to erase, undo, REFRAME and EXPAND your paradigm.
One of the greatest lies is that it will take forever.
Just remember. It took 5 seconds, 30 minutes, 4 hours or 48 hours…why can it not be undone in the same time?
Find the technique, find the healer that believes in this type of transformation.
Most importantly find the space WITHIN YOU that believes that you can let go JUST LIKE THAT.
And you may find that YOU just did.
Loving you in the super-hypercosmic, ALL-TIME-IS-NOW space where all can BE done and done…
And so it IS.
~VCC 10/27/13