In the immortal words of Shakespeare, there comes a time in every little intuitive’s life where they need to put on their big boy/girl spiritual warrior undies on…and step into who they are.
The world is changing quickly and undercover Universe lovers are being pulled every day into more visible and instrumental positions.
If you KNOW that you were born for more.
If you KNOW in your heart that the life you are existing in (yes, existing) is not the life that invites you to THRIVE…it’s time.
It’s time to go INWARDS.
Invite your inner child, fairies, Angels, unicorns and spiritual peeps and posse to chill with you and guide you a tad more vocally, visibly or even assertively.
State your intention that you are stepping up and that you are in the present time accepting and wanting to experience your unlimited potential.
Doesn’t that feel good?
It might be scary, this whole thing about Unlimited potential. I get it.
If you are desiring, dreaming, longing or being called to something, it means…that you CAN achieve it!
So choose to BE. Choose to Be who you were born to be and you will see, all unfolds in miraculous ways.
We are given many great gifts and among the greatest is the gift of CHOICE.
Leave the smallness, the fears behind…it’s all unfolding in a divine manner. Perhaps it is not completely pleasing to you in this moment but it is in accordance to your soul’s work and purpose.
Let’s BE together! BEING party at my spiritual house! Met you online, here, live or wherever…know that I’m meeting you
BE who you are meant to BE.
~VCC 10/26/13