The unsettling events of this morning’s trek to work this am linger on.
Stressing about your promotion, your next business launch, your next article, your in-laws next visit…
Have you noticed?
If you are giving thought, feeling and therefore power to the past or the future…you are NOT here, right now.
It’s natural to remember, feel some nostalgic tinge.
It’s normal to get excited and sometimes feel slight dread of the unknown future.
Yet if you are spending MOST of your day revolving around the past, what could’ve been done, beating yourself up for not knowing more, doing better, etc. you are not here in the present moment.
If you are spending MOST of your day anxious about the future and stressing, you are not HERE.
HERE is THE place to BE.
It has the most possibilities and if you are shining bright (no matter what is actually happening in your life) you are ATTRACTING more positive into your life!
There is so much talk about energy and Intuitives feel it.
Just like we get excited that we MANIFEST tons of cool signs and stuff, we also manifest lessons and fears, beliefs and patterns.
REMEMBER that when you spend lost of time in the PAST or PRESENT you are indeed, animating those realities, magnetizing fears into realities and co-creating from a place of fear and lack.
Just remember that the greatest POWER,
is in the
We set up our success way before we ever experience it.
We are already planning on meeting our mates before we ever lock eyes.
We are constantly creating the future in the NOW so be AWARE of what’s being embodied in you every day. Beware of what you are recycling and revolving and look underneath to release the fear of ACTUALLY living what you want.
Be aware of how much mind/body/soul real estate you give to negativity, pain, fear, sadness, anxiety, shame, guilt and remorse.
Be AWARE then choose to be here NOW.
Yeah the COOLEST place I know, Promise!!!
~VCC 10/25/13