Often what lives in your heart,
the thing you most wish you could do…
scares the beejesus out of you!
Pay attention.
Yet if you sit in that space for a moment
and breathe deeply.
You might come to understand
that this is holding a HUGE gift for you.
An invitation
A sacred promise…
The unknown is something that you have not experienced yet.
Add curiosity, sprinkle some wonder and invite the Universe to dance with you!
Be willing to risk all you know as your comfort to step into the unknown.
Yes it’s scary. The enriching scary. The expansive scary.
Who are we kidding?
It’s the REASON you are here on Earth School!
It’s to get on the most joy producing, life expanding RIDE of your LIVES!
It’s an incredible time in history people. Let’s rock this earth into EXPANSIVE JOY & PEACE!
Step into the scary, it’s the REASON we are here.
~VCC 10/20/13