What we think about every day…is the stuff from which our dreams and nightmares are made of. They are the foundation of our current reality.
Look around at your life right now. How are you feeling? What is unfolding?
Think back a year or two ago…what were you thinking?
“ I need to leave this job. I want to leave this job…” and never did anything about it?
“ I want to leave this job and I am going to start my dream career while at work. I will focus and then leave this job.”
“ I am not feeling too hot. Gotta start paying attention. I am paying attention and feeling better every day!”
We guarantee that if you thought I need to leave a job AND did something about it, it is highly likely that you are in a better place today!
I also know that when we focus on how much we dislike something without taking action steps…we might find that the situation at work gets worse and worse. We may also see our health acting up.
Our thoughts are feeding that reality AND our Higher Selves are giving us warnings, feeding our inner flame to get the BLEEP out and get moving!
Over a year ago I was involved with something I called OPERATION FREEDOM. I had a corporate job and planned a surgery and was praying to make an escape soon after.
Well, the Universe, OH ever faithful LOVING Universe was listening…I was let go before I was personally ready ( ego speaking here) and I have been supported soley from what I LOVE since!
A year and a half ago I thought, “Wouldn’t it be cool to meet amazing entrepreneurs who are also bilingual and start reaching out to the Latin American community?
Soon after I followed my intuition, enrolled in a program that introduced me to many great women and especially two powerful women who I am seeing, playing and collaborating with now, like next few weeks…here in Panama. AND it’s my third trip here to see clients and teach in spanish!
So WATCH what you talk about, think about and wish about. Make it a life worth LIVING. Make it a life full of GIVING.
My current thoughts? “ I am experiencing a deep, passionate love with a partner that wants to give back to the world as well. I am writing a book that people have been waiting for. My clients and students are THRIVING LIKE NEVER BEFORE! I am healthy, strong, abundant!”
And when those thoughts of “Holy crap! What did I get myself into????” pop up..i think, “I meet the right people, the right time. I am supported by the Universe whatever happens and I KNOW that this is all created for my greatest GOOD.”
Amen! I hold you all in thoughts of freedom, abundance, health, love & deep joy!
Let’s all get to ABUNDANCE thinking…our cups runneth over!
~VCC 10/18/13